we are nexea

Nexea has the firm ambition to connect with its people, clients and network.

Our firm is founded on the idea that human interactions are essential to our profession. We offer a tailored and personal experience to our clients. We are hands-on lawyers who work alongside their clients to achieve their objectives with a pragmatic mindset.

We also greatly value the human bonds within our firm, ensuring that the firm is managed with the aim of offering everyone working within it the best experience possible.

Trust is at the centre of our way of working. Trust towards and from our clients is based on reliability and quality.

We also fully embrace the network economy. This allows us to use the most suited digital tools and providers for every aspect of the firm’s internal needs. Thereby, we ensure a highly operational firm while keeping it lean so we can deliver our services very efficiently.

what defines us

Acting as a Nexus is to be at the centre by providing high quality legal services to our clients and it is also about connection.

We connect with
our people and clients

Our firm is founded on the idea that human interactions are essential to our profession. As generative AI and other technologies unfold, we believe that they should be fully exploited while at the same time deepening the human relationship with our clients so that these technological advancements do not result in an impersonal and standardised approach.

  • We offer a tailored and personal experience to our clients.
  • We are hands-on lawyers who work alongside their clients to achieve their objectives with a pragmatic mindset.
  • We also greatly value the human bonds within our firm, ensuring that the firm is managed with the aim of offering everyone working within it the best experience possible.
  • Trust is at the centre of our way of working. Trust towards and from our clients based on reliability and quality.

We connect with
our network

This allows us to use the most suited digital tools and providers for every aspect of the firm’s internal needs. Thereby, we ensure a highly operational firm while keeping it lean so we can offer great value for money to our clients.

This also allows us to operate with an informal network of firms globally without the constraints of having to work with designated foreign offices. When we select a foreign lawyer to advise them, clients can be sure that we have picked the lawyer we consider as best suited for their needs, not just the local office of a global firm.

We fully
the network

We believe that
social impact
is an important

We connect
with society

We achieve a social impact by the ethical and humane way in which we approach every issue and opportunity.

We chose our suppliers carefully so that they also strive for a positive social impact.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.